Regulation on recognition by the University of Iceland of the academic competence of staff at the Landspítali University Hospital and the conferral of academic titles, no. 888/2016
with subsequent amendments
Authorised translation |
Article 1. Conferral of an academic title.
The purpose of conferring academic titles is to strengthen and deepen the partnership between the Landspítali University Hospital (and other healthcare institutions as applicable) and the University of Iceland in the fields of research and teaching by enabling clinical and paraclinical staff at the Landspítali University Hospital to carry out their academic projects in collaboration with the University of Iceland. This encourages increased research activity in the interests of the University and the Hospital, as well as publication of scientific articles in the names of both institutions.
University educated staff at the Landspítali University Hospital, working in clinical or paraclinical positions at a minimum of 70% employment, may apply for recognition by the University of Iceland (UI) of their academic competence, on the condition that they are not already employed at UI in a teaching or research position requiring a qualifications assessment.
The rector of UI shall award recognition of academic competence, having received the verdict of a selection committee and the University of Iceland Division of Science and Innovation, cf. Article 5, and a proposal from the dean of the School of Health Sciences or, as applicable, the dean of another UI school as well as the head of the relevant University faculty.
Recognition of academic competence confers an academic title, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. An academic title is not equivalent to being hired to a teaching or research position at UI, cf. Article 17 of the Act on Public Higher Education Institutions no. 85/2008 and Chapter III of the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009, and the title does not confer any rights other than those stipulated in this Regulation.
Those who are hired to a position at UI and have undergone a qualifications assessment may not apply for recognition of academic competence in accordance with this Regulation.
Article 2. Academic titles.
An academic title is conferred in connection with one of the faculties within the UI School of Health Sciences, i.e. the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Nursing, the Faculty of Odontology, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Faculty of Psychology or the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition.
Academic titles are conferred on the basis of an evaluation by a selection committee and the Division of Science and Innovation. A Landspítali University Hospital staff member hired to a clinical or paraclinical position at the Hospital who has obtained recognition of academic competence and is unequivocally qualified for the position of lecturer, senior lecturer or professor may adopt the title of clinical lecturer, etc.
A staff member at a healthcare institution other than the Landspítali University Hospital may be awarded an academic title, cf. paragraph 1, on the condition that this possibility is outlined in a cooperative agreement between UI and the institution in question.
Furthermore, it is possible to confer an academic title at other University of Iceland faculties, on the condition that the staff member applying for the title is employed at the Landspítali University Hospital or another healthcare institution, cf. paragraph 2, which is fully equivalent to those positions defined in paragraph 2, Article 1.
Article 3. Application for recognition of academic competence.
In consultation with the Division of Science and Innovation, the Landspítali University Hospital and, as applicable, other healthcare institutions shall regularly inform their staff that it is possible to apply for an academic title. Staff will be informed that applications shall be sent to the relevant University faculty and of the relevant rules, e.g. that applicants must specify any collaboration or prospective collaboration with the University of Iceland and, as applicable, other universities, the collaborating parties, collaborative projects and their main objectives. Applications must meet the same requirements as currently apply to applications for vacant positions and promotions, cf. Articles 37 and 38 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009.
Should the faculty recommend an application for recognition, it shall be referred to the University of Iceland Division of Science and Innovation along with a supporting argument written in consideration of the points mentioned in paragraph 1, Article 1. The Division of Science and Innovation shall contact the applicant to confirm reception of the application and provide information on when to expect a conclusion.
Article 4. Appointment of a selection committee.
The rector of UI and the CEO of the Landspítali University Hospital shall appoint a selection committee comprising three experts for a term of three years. The rector shall appoint two members, one of whom shall chair the committee. Only those with professorial competence are eligible to sit on the selection committee. The provisions of Chapter II of the Administrative Procedures Act no. 37/1993 shall apply concerning the specific eligibility of committee members.
Besides the selection committee, the UI Division of Science shall also evaluate applications using the same methods that apply to applications from visiting scholars, cf. the rules of procedure on visiting scholars at the University of Iceland.
The chair shall divide responsibilities between committee members. The Division of Science and Innovation shall assist the selection committee.
The rector may appoint an ad hoc member in order to discuss an individual application if the qualification requirements so demand. If an applicant comes from a school other than the School of Health Sciences, the rector may temporarily appoint two members from the applicant's school to the selection committee to evaluate the application.
The selection committee is authorised to seek the opinion of one to two recognised experts within the applicant's specialist field.
Article 5. Processing of cases.
The Division of Science and Innovation shall receive applications for recognition of academic competence from University faculties and ascertain whether the applicant meets requirements in accordance with this Regulation. If the applicant does not meet requirements regarding academic competence, the head of the Division of Science and Innovation is authorised to reject the application on behalf of the rector. Otherwise, the Division of Science and Innovation shall refer the application to the selection committee.
The following, as appropriate, shall otherwise apply to the evaluation of an applicant's competence and processing of the case by the selection committee and UI Division of Science and Innovation:
- Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009, Chapter III.
- [Regulation on the promotion of academic staff at the University of Iceland no. 1300/2020.]1
- Regulation on the hiring and promotion of staff with a qualifications assessment at the University of Iceland Faculty of Medicine no. 498/2002.
Once the selection committee has produced a verdict, the dean of the School of Health Sciences or, as applicable, the dean of another UI school, shall submit a proposal to the rector regarding whether or not to recognise the applicant's competence and which academic title shall be conferred. In all cases, this proposal must be accompanied by a draft contract between the applicant and the dean of the School of Health Sciences on behalf of the faculty in question, outlining the objectives of the collaboration and the rights and responsibilities that may apply, cf. Article 6. Once all requirements have been met, the rector shall confer the academic title.
Recognition of academic competence shall be valid for five years from the conferral of the academic title, although it shall be repealed if the individual in question ceases to work at the Landspítali University Hospital or another healthcare institution that has signed a cooperative agreement with UI, or if the individual takes an academic position at the University of Iceland. After five years, the selection committee may, with the approval of the rector, renew the academic title for an indefinite period. In such cases, the selection committee may request information on how well the collaboration has realised its stated objectives. Applications for promotion from the title of lecturer to senior lecturer or senior lecturer to professor shall be handled in the same way as if they were a new application.
1Amended by Article 1 of Regulation no. 493/2021.
Article 6. Contract regarding an academic title.
Once the rector has officially recognised an applicant's academic competence, the dean of school shall, having consulted with the relevant head of faculty and the chief medical officer at the Landspítali University Hospital, enter into a contract with the Hospital staff member in question concerning those academic rights and responsibilities that come with the title, such as involvement in teaching and research. This contract shall specify the projects to be completed by the staff member, who the collaborating parties are and the objectives of the collaboration. It shall also specify that publication of scientific articles shall be in the name of both institutions and include details on other points as applicable, such as teaching, administration, facilities and access to data and equipment. Such contracts must also stipulate that the staff member in question comply with the rules concerning professional quality assessment, as applicable. The holder of the academic title is, for example, required to submit an annual performance report to the UI Division of Science and Innovation.
The contract shall be valid for five years and be dependent on the academic title that has been conferred. The selection committee shall regularly review valid contracts and evaluate, in consultation with the Division of Science and Innovation, their functionality and success.
Every December, the selection committee and the Division of Science and Innovation shall hold a presentation for the supervisory committee of UI and the Landspítali University Hospital, the board of Landspítali University Hospital and the University Council informing them of those people who have acquired an academic title over the past year and the success of the collaboration.
An academic title does not confer the right to apply for contributions from UI research funds or the Productivity Evaluation Fund. A faculty may authorise grants from special funds under the auspices of the faculty, in accordance with the charter of the fund in question.
Individual faculty regulations shall determine the right to attend faculty meetings and other such rights.
Article 7. Entry into force and review.
This Regulation, established by the University Council on the basis of the Act on Public Higher Education Institutions no. 85/2008, and a collaborative agreement, dated 3 December 2012, between the University of Iceland and the Landspítali University Hospital, enters into force 1 January 2017. This Regulation shall be reviewed before the end of 2020, in consultation with the Landspítali University Hospital. As this Regulation enters into force, the Regulation on recognition by the University of Iceland of the academic competence of staff at the Landspítali University Hospital and the conferral of academic titles no. 212/2011 is repealed.
University of Iceland, 14 October 2016.